====== Commands ====== For chat effects go [[effects|here]] To use commands in Roblox Bhop or Surf - Open chat by pressing ''/'' - Preface the command with ''/'' or ''!'' - If the command does not work, the chat may provide additional instructions on how to use said command ''[Optional Argument]'' '''' ===== User Settings ===== * ''fov [number]'' Changes your field of view, default is 90. Example: ''/fov 90'' * ''crosshair'' Toggles the crosshair, if you have the custom crosshair gamepass you can do ''icon id'' to make it a custom image. Example: ''/icon 123456789'' * ''autorestart'' Restarts you whenever you hit a trigger. Toggle with ''/autorestart on/off'' * ''sens [number]'', ''sensitivity [number]'' Changes how fast your mouse moves. The default value is 0.3. Example: ''/sens 3.2545'' * ''hide'' Hides bots, players, and trails making them invisible. * ''show'' Turns hide off. * ''name'' Use this to set your name if you have the custom name gamepass. Example: ''/name Quat'' * ''guiscale'' changes the guiscale to make things smaller or bigger as needed, ''/guiscale default'' for the default. Example: ''/guiscale .75'' * ''setmouseimage '' Allows you to change the image of the mouse on ''showkeys''. Example: ''/setmouseimage 12345678'' * ''icon '' Changes the picture of your crosshair, requires custom crosshair gamepass. Example: ''/icon 12345678'' ===== Useful ===== * ''r'' Restart. * ''rtv'' "Rock the vote" (vote to choose a new map). * ''spec'', ''spec player'' Spectate someone. Example: ''/spec Quaternions'' * ''pbs [player] '' Control the playback speed of a bot. Example: ''/pbs Quaternions .5'' * ''pbj [player]