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api [2020/11/12 22:58]
api [2020/11/12 22:59] (current)
vmsize [API Libraries]
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 ===== API Libraries ===== ===== API Libraries =====
-The API is documented using Swagger which means you can use the [[https://api.strafes.net/documentation.yaml|documentation file]] to automatically generate API clients for essentially every language. The [[Swagger Editor|https://editor.swagger.io/]] offers this functionality without needing to run any local tooling.+The API is documented using Swagger which means you can use the [[https://api.strafes.net/documentation.yaml|documentation file]] to automatically generate API clients for essentially every language. The [[https://editor.swagger.io/|Swagger Editor]] offers this functionality without needing to run any local tooling.
 ===== Extra Useful Info ===== ===== Extra Useful Info =====