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bots [2020/09/08 04:18]
dreamlike [Why are some bots broken?] fixing unessicary writing
bots [2020/09/08 22:10] (current)
vmsize old revision restored (2020/09/07 16:54)
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 ====== What exactly are bots? ====== ====== What exactly are bots? ======
-Bots are a replay of world record as it appeared to the person performing it and are automatically loaded with the map. They are not players, they are just a recording of the fastest time someone has in the specific style.+Bots are a representation of the world record holders of the map. These players are not cheaters or people, they are just a recorded run of the fastest time someone has in the specified style.
 ===== Why are some bots broken? ===== ===== Why are some bots broken? =====
-Some bots are "brokenbecause of a bug that causes bots to save improperly if the player reset right as they hit the end zone on a world record run. This was supposedly fixed on 7/21/20 so any bots after this date should be unaffected. +Some bots are broken because of a bug that caused bots to stand in place if you reset right as you hit the end zone on a WR pace run. This was fixed on 7/21/20 so any bots after this date should work, unless new bug is found or Quat unintentionally breaks bots like what has happened in the past. Some other reasons for bots being broken include, Quat breaking bots, and roblox breaking bots, this is normally fixed pretty quickly and only extends a few days at most unless Quat is very busy when this happens. Finally the last reason some WRs dont have times is because they are old records, this means they were from before Quat and Itzaname changed the database, around early to late 2019.
- +
-It is important to note that because of database update at some point in 2019 all world records from beforehand do not have bots+
- +
-In the event that a game or ROBLOX update break bots it will most likely be fixed in a few days.+
 ===== Whats a "manual bot"? ===== ===== Whats a "manual bot"? =====
 A manual bot is a bot loaded by a moderator, this is normally to see a persons bot when they are in [[moderation|Pending]]. These bots can also be loaded if a mod wants to look at a old WR. A manual bot is a bot loaded by a moderator, this is normally to see a persons bot when they are in [[moderation|Pending]]. These bots can also be loaded if a mod wants to look at a old WR.