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chat:commands [2020/08/01 03:43]
chat:commands [2021/04/25 01:34] (current)
insyri added timeplayed command to misc
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-''[Optional Arguement]'' ''<Required Arguement>''+''[Optional Argument]'' ''<Required Argument>''
 ===== User Settings ===== ===== User Settings =====
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   * ''maxheight'' "it represents the maximum possible height if you converted all your kinetic energy into potential energy" - Quat.   * ''maxheight'' "it represents the maximum possible height if you converted all your kinetic energy into potential energy" - Quat.
   * ''cinematiccam'' Allows you to use a cinematiccam, also known as the old freecam.   * ''cinematiccam'' Allows you to use a cinematiccam, also known as the old freecam.
 +  * ''timescale <speed>'' Adjusts the speed of the game's physics and timer. Setting this value to anything other than 1 will result in your time not saving.
 +  *  ''save [string]'' Creates a "checkpoint" within the map that you can teleport to with ''load''.
 +  *  ''load [string]'' Loads a past save, using this command will result in your time not saving.
 ===== Gui Commands ===== ===== Gui Commands =====
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   *''map <map>'' A vip owner can force change the map without needing a vote, this is useful if someones afk or refuses to rtv. Example: ''/map brick''   *''map <map>'' A vip owner can force change the map without needing a vote, this is useful if someones afk or refuses to rtv. Example: ''/map brick''
-  *''say <message>'' Makes the whole server say whatever you put after. Example: ''/say hello'' +  *''say <player> <message>'' Makes the player you specify say the message. Example: ''/say quat hello'' 
-  *''kick <player>'' Kicks specified player. Example: ''/kick Quaternions'' +  *''kick <player>'' Kicks specified player. Example: ''/kick quat'' 
-  *''chat'' honestly idk+  *''chat'' Enters a raw message into the chat.  You can use this to imitate any chat message with the right chat effects.
 ===== Style Commands ===== ===== Style Commands =====
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   * ''me'' Makes chat color the same as your name color, doesnt work with custom name colors. Example: ''/me hello''   * ''me'' Makes chat color the same as your name color, doesnt work with custom name colors. Example: ''/me hello''
 +  * ''timeplayed'' Shows the amount of time you have played on bhop/surf.
   * ''flail'' Toggles characters arms flailing around if you own the gamepass. Example: ''/flail on''   * ''flail'' Toggles characters arms flailing around if you own the gamepass. Example: ''/flail on''
   * ''skill <player>'' Shows you the skill for the specified player. Example: ''/skill Quaternions''   * ''skill <player>'' Shows you the skill for the specified player. Example: ''/skill Quaternions''