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start [2020/07/30 20:11]
start [2021/09/04 01:43] (current)
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-====== StrafesNET Roblox Bhop and Surf wiki ======+===== StrafesNET Roblox Bhop and Surf wiki =====
-Welcome to the StrafesNET wiki for bhop and surf!+==Welcome to the StrafesNET wiki for bhop and surf!==
-[[https://www.roblox.com/games/252877716|Roblox Bhop]] and [[https://www.roblox.com/games/272689493|Roblox Surf]] were created in 2015 by Roblox user [[https://www.roblox.com/users/52250025/profile|Quaternions]].+[[https://www.roblox.com/games/5315046213|Roblox Bhop]] and [[https://www.roblox.com/games/5315066937|Roblox Surf]] were created in 2015 by Roblox user [[https://www.roblox.com/users/52250025/profile|Quaternions]].
-Useful links+They are movement focused games based on a bug/exploit in the character movement physics of the Source game engine, specifically the Counter-Strike series. 
 +==Useful links== 
 +  * [[https://www.roblox.com/groups/6980477|StrafesNET group]]
   * [[https://www.roblox.com/groups/2607715|Roblox bhoppers group]]   * [[https://www.roblox.com/groups/2607715|Roblox bhoppers group]]
-  * [[http://discord.gg/Fw8E75X|Invite to Roblox Bhop/Surf discord server]]+  * [[http://discord.gg/Fw8E75X|Roblox Bhop/Surf discord server]]
   * [[https://www.roblox.com/games/517201717|Bhop maptest]]   * [[https://www.roblox.com/games/517201717|Bhop maptest]]
   * [[https://www.roblox.com/games/517206177|Surf maptest]]   * [[https://www.roblox.com/games/517206177|Surf maptest]]
-Useful pages +==Useful pages== 
-    *[[commands|Commands]]+  *[[chat:start|Chat]] 
 +    *[[chat:commands|Commands]] 
 +    *[[chat:effects|Effects]] 
 +  *[[glossary|Glossary]]
 ==== This wiki is incomplete, you can help by expanding it ==== ==== This wiki is incomplete, you can help by expanding it ====
 +  * that cool thing that all those pros have i think idk
 [[map making|Map making]] [[map making|Map making]]
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 [[faq|FAQ]] [[faq|FAQ]]
-  * frequently asked questions+  * Frequently asked questions
 [[maps|Maps]] [[maps|Maps]]
-  * info about mapsdate made, date added, last update to map, etc +  * Information about mapsdate created, date added, most recent version, etc. 
-  * there will probably be a different resource to get info about maps, you don't need to spend time making a wiki page for every single map+  * There will probably be a different resource to get info about maps, you don't need to spend time making a wiki page for every single map
 [[bots|Bots]] [[bots|Bots]]
-  * What are bots?+  * you know those things that always beat u because their just cheating
 [[moderation|Moderation info]] [[moderation|Moderation info]]
-  * who mods are, what their job is and how to appeal and stuff+  * **[[moderation_rules|In-game Rules]]** 
 +  * Information about the moderation system and a list of moderators 
 +[[roblox runs|Roblox runs]] 
 +  * Our community's best bhoppers/surfers and their runs  
 +  * [[https://www.youtube.com/c/RobloxRuns]] 
 +[[api|API info]] 
 +  * Information and some documentation about the API
 **Feel free to add other things to the wiki if you think they would be helpful.** **Feel free to add other things to the wiki if you think they would be helpful.**