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For chat effects go here

To use commands in Roblox Bhop or Surf

  1. Open chat by pressing /
  2. Preface the command with / or !
  3. If the command does not work, the chat may provide additional instructions on how to use said command

[Optional Argument] <Required Argument>

User Settings

  • fov [number] Changes your field of view, default is 90. Example: /fov 90
  • crosshair Toggles the crosshair, if you have the custom crosshair gamepass you can do icon id to make it a custom image. Example: /icon 123456789
  • autorestart Restarts you whenever you hit a trigger. Toggle with /autorestart on/off
  • sens [number], sensitivity [number] Changes how fast your mouse moves. The default value is 0.3. Example: /sens 3.2545
  • hide Hides bots, players, and trails making them invisible.
  • show Turns hide off.
  • name Use this to set your name if you have the custom name gamepass. Example: /name Quat
  • guiscale changes the guiscale to make things smaller or bigger as needed, /guiscale default for the default. Example: /guiscale .75
  • setmouseimage <image_id> Allows you to change the image of the mouse on showkeys. Example: /setmouseimage 12345678
  • icon <image_id> Changes the picture of your crosshair, requires custom crosshair gamepass. Example: /icon 12345678


  • r Restart.
  • rtv “Rock the vote” (vote to choose a new map).
  • spec, spec player Spectate someone. Example: /spec Quaternions
  • pbs [player] <speed> Control the playback speed of a bot. Example: /pbs Quaternions .5
  • pbj [player] <time> Jump to a given timestamp in a bot. Example: /pbj Quaternions 5
  • freecam Allows you to essentially noclip through the map without the timer starting.
  • whisper <player>, w <player> Allows you to privately chat with specified player. Example: /w Quaternions
  • apex Toggles the apex gauge which shows how high you will be at the highest point of your jump.
  • hit Toggles the hit gauge which shows approximately where you will land.
  • mute <player> Mutes the player for you only. Example: /mute Quaternions
  • unmute <player> Unmutes them for you only. Example: /unmute drewfc
  • revoke If you have used rtv already you can use revoke to revoke the vote.
  • pause Pauses the timer and you inplace, useful if doing something in the middle of a long run.
  • unpause Unpauses the timer.
  • maxheight “it represents the maximum possible height if you converted all your kinetic energy into potential energy” - Quat.
  • cinematiccam Allows you to use a cinematiccam, also known as the old freecam.

Gui Commands

  • rate Allows you to rate the map you are on, currently useless and will be changed in the future.
  • spectators Disables the spectators gui.
  • surftutorial Tutorial for how to surf.
  • bhoptutorial Tutorial for how to bhop.
  • ? Tutorial for both games.
  • help Alias for ?.
  • buyp <number> Opens a purchase prompt so the player can buy the specified amount they want. Example: /buyp 1000
  • energy Toggles the energy gauge, if the needle goes to the right you are gaining energy, if its going to the left you are losing energy.
  • guis Toggles visibility of all guis.
  • styles Shows the style select gui.
  • gauge Opens the strafing gauge that shows the optimal strafing speed.
  • showkeys Shows your keystrokes and mouse movement.
  • nominate, nominate mapname Nominate a new map to be played. Example: /nominate brick
  • serverlist View the list of other available servers; teleport to servers from this list.
  • wr [mapname] Open the world record list to the current map or to a specific map. Example: /wr kitsune
  • shop Open the shop gui.
  • diff Shows the current timer difference between the bot and the client.

Teleport Commands

  • bhop Teleports you to the main Bhop game
  • surf Teleports you to the main Surf game
  • surfmaptest Teleports you to Surf Maptest
  • bhopmaptest Teleports you to Bhop Maptest
  • dev Teleports you to the respective development game from the main game
  • main Teleports you to the respective main game from the dev game

Vip Owner Commands

  • map <map> A vip owner can force change the map without needing a vote, this is useful if someones afk or refuses to rtv. Example: /map brick
  • say <message> Makes the whole server say whatever you put after. Example: /say hello
  • kick <player> Kicks specified player. Example: /kick Quaternions
  • chat honestly idk

Style Commands

  • autohop, a, auto, n, normal Enable autohop.
  • scroll, s Enable scroll.
  • halfsideways, hsw Enable half-sideways.
  • sideways, sw Enable sideways.
  • aonly, ao, a-only Enable a-only.
  • wonly, w, w-only Enable w-only.
  • backwards, back,bw Enable backwards.


  • me Makes chat color the same as your name color, doesnt work with custom name colors. Example: /me hello
  • flail Toggles characters arms flailing around if you own the gamepass. Example: /flail on
  • skill <player> Shows you the skill for the specified player. Example: /skill Quaternions
  • rank <player> Shows you the rank for the specified player. Example: /rank Quaternions
  • arank [player] Shows the command admin rank of yourself or of another player. The default rank is User. Private Server owners are given Admin within their server. Example: /arank drewfc