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Table of Contents
Faste is a group of people who are good enough to secure multiple WRs in Auto or Styles. The players in this group get a tag in game to show they have achieved the rank.
More info about Faste can be found in the links below
- Must have 10+ Autohop WRs or 50 Style WRs.
- You can mix Styles as you please, if you mix Auto with Styles the Auto WRs will count as 2.
- Must provide visual proof of the WRs, currently the only way that will be accepted is Imgur albums(Here's a tutorial).
- Scroll must have 1000 Scroll WRs to get Faste and they cannot mix styles, no this is not a joke.
Map Rules
- Maps have to be in the main game, and released for at least a month.
- If the map was wiped, you have to wait at least a month before it is allowed.
General Rules
- You have to be the WR holder, not second, not third.
- No alt accounts, you must apply with your main, and all the records must be on the same account.
- If you have cheated any time since Moderation update (8/14/19) you are permanently denied.
- You cannot be blacklisted during submission or review you will be denied even if it was for proving legitimacy.